"I'm Sorry, Leonora" is an unsuccessful attempt to return to the origin. In the 66 minute long video, daniela tries to glue a cracked eggshell back together. The intricate details of the shell, the cracks, and the anguished, somewhat clumsy movements of the fingers highlight the inadequacy of human hands to rewind time. It is a slow take, an ode to patience; both the artist's effort and the viewer's act of watching are exercises in persistence.
The title of the video alludes to "The Guardian of the Egg" by Leonora Carrington. Daniela, in her search for the origin and the place she leaves behind when she migrates geographically, finds her clumsy human hands far removed from the nurturing hands of the giantess. She has broken the egg, a symbol of the womb and the beginning, making it impossible for her to return. When human animals migrate from the birthplace, they can never return to the same place. When violence, state authoritarianism, and the lack of human care and tenderness are present, breaking the egg and all it represents, the task of rebuilding it requires patience, and one never regains what was originally there.
The eggshell also holds significance in Daniela's scientific explorations, with calcium carbonate being one of the most common elements on the planet and a key structural element in the human body.