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art&science research and publications



DIGI-Sense project, Johannes Kepler University, Linz




Brill, Daniela, Schnugg, Claudia, and Stary, Christian (2024) „Collaborative construction of meaning: facilitating sensemaking moments through aesthetic knowledge generation“ Knowledge Management Research & Practice, (Link)


Brill, Daniela, Schnugg, Claudia, and Stary, Christian (2024) “The socio-aesthetic construction of meaning in digitally mediated environments: a digital sensemaking approach“ AI & Society (Link)


Brill, D., Schnugg, C., Stary, C., Rayzhekov, A. (2023): „Researching the body and movement through artistic performative installations for collaborative digital sensemaking“, In Proceedings of the XX. Conference on Culture and Computer Science, Lisbon,


Schnugg, C., Brill, D., and Stary, C. (2023) „Towards Sensemaking in the Meshwork of Technology, Ecology and Society: Symbiosis of Aesthetics, Performance and Digitalization“, Proceedings of International Symposium of Electronic Arts (ISEA), Paris 2023, DOI 10.69564/ISEA2023-84-full-Schnugg-et-al-Meshwork-of-Technology  web link.


Brill, D., Schnugg, C., and Stary, C. (2022) “Makes Digital Sensemaking Sense? – A Roadmap for Digital Humanism in Increasingly Transhumanist Settings”, New Explorations, Vol. 2(3): 86-109. Link (open access).


Brill, D., Schnugg, C., Stary, C. (2022) „Digital Sensemaking: Sensemaking as a Driver of Transformation“, Proceedings IFKAD’22 – Int. Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, 20-22 June 2022, Lugano, Switzerland,  pp. 652-672. Link. This paper was awarded the MBE Best Paper Award at IFKAD 2022

shapeshifting matter for an unstable universe


Presentation at artsci salon, at the Fields Institute, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 20.11.2024


Artistic Research for the Residency Program at the Schmiede Hallein, 2024: feralAIRs 2024​​​


presentation for Subnet Salzburg

HCI – Center for Human-Computer Interaction

Salzburg, Austria


the in-taxonomizables, a lecture performance about indisciplined matter: lecture performance at Improper Walls, 6.12.2024

elemental presence



Artistic Research for the Residency Program at Cultivamos Cultura, 2021-2022​​

trajectories of information​



Artistic Research for the Residency Program at ISTA (Institute of Science and Technology Austria)​​​​


suratómica - publications​



much of my artistic, scientific and indisciplinary research is based on and inspired by the suratómica network and its members and collaborating networks and researchers around the globe. with suratómica we published in total four books, that can be found on the link above. 


my latest text published with suratómica "ser araña, ser semilla" (to be spider, to be seed) can be read in the the latest book "Arte y Ciencia, Estética y Complejidad": BOOK

1a edición: Mayo 2024 Bogotá, D.C.
ISBN 978-958-53221-3-4 Versión digital














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